Circular Economy Experiment Construction and Buildings

Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS) has been successfully selected as a Local Experiment Partner, within the Project «SHARED GREEN DEAL: Social sciences & Humanities for Achieving a Responsible, Equitable and Desirable Green deal’ — ‘Shared Green Deal (01.02.2022 - 31.01.2027), coordinated by Anglia Ruskin University higher education corporation (ARU) and funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme.

Construction is the most resource-intensive and waste-production sector in Cyprus and that is why the social experiment will focus on constructions and buildings. A major concern is construction and demolition waste (CDW) management, as well as the sustainable management of the islands limited natural resources. Cyprus businesses can demonstrate a few successful examples of circular practices, and the experiment will aim to collect them and share them throughout the industry and market. Through the experiment, challenges will be identified, and common circular business solutions will be pursued.

The social experiment will focus on sustainability and circularity in the Construction and Building sector. It will establish a Local Accelerator Hub (LAH), gathering relevant stakeholders to share knowledge about good practices in the sector and improve their visibility and applicability throughout the industry and market and furthermore, develop common local circular business solutions. The experiment is an opportunity to change the current mindset regarding circular products, educate stakeholders in the construction sector and increase the general public's awareness and confidence in the quality of recycled materials from construction and demolition.

Good practices, challenges, and business solutions demonstrated through the experiment will be the basis for developing a roadmap for implementing circular economy business models and policy, standardisation, and certification recommendations to support the successful transition to the circular economy in the country.

For more information regarding the project and the social experiment you contact Marios Mavroyiannos [email protected] and Anna Dionysiou [email protected].